Encopresis & Enuresis Resources

Clinical Psychologist
Below is a non-comprehensive list of products that may be useful when treating your child's encopresis or enuresis, along with related suggestions.
Please note that the content provided on this website is for informational purposes only and not intended to be a substitute for diagnosis, treatment, or medical advice. Call today to begin treatment or contact another qualified health provider to address your concerns. If it’s an emergency, call 911 or your local emergency number.
WatchMinder: This vibrating watch was created by a clinical psychologist and has the capacity to store up to 30 different alarms. After setting up a toileting schedule for your child, you can program the watch to alert your son or daughter to use the restroom throughout the day. In addition to a 'bathroom' reminder, the watch includes another 64 pre-programmed reminders, including 'focus', 'teeth', 'homework', and 'exercise'. You can also create your own messages.
Bed-wetting alarm: There are many options available, but I generally recommend the Malem Ultimate Selectable Bedwetting Enuresis Alarm with Vibration. This alarm features 8 different tones to help wake your child immediately after bed-wetting begins. It features various settings, including vibration only, sound only, and vibration with sound. It's often challenging for children and families to adjust to using a bed-wetting alarm. However, with consistent use, they are generally effective at helping children over seven achieve nighttime dryness.
Countdown Clock or Hourglass Sand Timer: When treating encopresis or enuresis, I help children follow a toileting schedule, which includes timed bathroom visits. These clocks and sand timers provide a visual countdown that may help your child follow their schedule more effectively and sit on the toilet for a sufficient amount of time.
Toilet Stool: By using this stool, children and adults should achieve a squatting position while on the toilet. Rest your feet on the stool and lean forward, with your elbows on your knees. This proper toileting posture often facilitates easier bowel movements.
Immediate Rewards: It is important to provide immediate reinforcement for your child's efforts. Reward them for their persistence, including sitting on the toilet as scheduled. We are shaping their behavior and need to make sure that the rewards are achievable. Brainstorm rewards together to ensure that your child finds them reinforcing. Here are a few suggestions for rewards: erasers, stickers, small toys, or screen time.
Long-term Rewards: Discuss long-term rewards with your child to ensure that he or she finds them reinforcing. Here are a few suggestions: visiting their favorite store or restaurant, going to a sporting event or movie, or earning a book, puzzle, lego set, lego kit, science kit, or art supplies.
Visual Reminders: Have your child create visual reminders that support his toileting goals. Post-it sticky notes are often a helpful option for visual reminders.
Reward charts: Use a reward chart to track your child's effort and progress. One option is to create your own chart using large sticky notes.
I am available to discuss these with you in detail. Call today for guidance.
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