Treatment for ADHD

Clinical Psychologist
I specialize in treating Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children, adolescents, and adults. I treat coexisting concerns, including tic disorders, OCD, oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), anxiety disorders, sleep disorders, depression, and social skill deficits. My approach is compassionate, strength-based, and solution-focused.
I provide individual therapy and parent training using a range of evidence-based treatments that are effective at addressing ADHD, including Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT), and Parent Management Training (PMT). Treatment may include mindfulness training, which is effective at improving attention regulation, emotion regulation, and stress management. I also specialize in
Organizational Skills Training for Children with ADHD, an approach proven effective at teaching children essential organizational skills.
Treatment for ADHD addresses executive functioning weaknesses that may make it difficult for you or your child to excel academically or professionally. This includes targeting difficulties with time management, organization, planning ahead, paying attention, and decision-making. I take a strength-based approach to addressing challenges, which focuses on improving your confidence and identifying and building on your strengths.
Parents are often an integral part of treatment, particularly when working with younger children. Using behavioral interventions, parents learn to help their child manage symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.
Your child’s symptoms of ADHD may be impacting you and your parent-child relationship. Therefore, in addition to addressing your child’s symptoms of ADHD, I target disturbances to family functioning by involving parents regularly in treatment. Parent training teaches effective strategies that can help improve your relationship with your child, boost your child’s desirable behaviors, reduce behavior problems, and reduce your stress.
I take a holistic approach, which can increase therapeutic effectiveness by addressing, for instance, maladaptive sleep, exercise, and eating habits. I also collaborate with other medical professionals when that is the most effective means of helping you.
I work with parents reluctant to medicate their child and provide them with a supportive and informative environment. Therapy can also help people that are taking medication, by helping them learn new skills to manage their ADHD effectively.
ADHD may affect all aspects of your life or your child’s life. However, with careful assessment and treatment, your child can learn to manage ADHD symptoms and reach his or her full potential. You can learn skills to facilitate your professional success and improve your quality of life. Please call today for help.